The COSMOS International Strong Motion Forum (SMF) will be held in conjunction with the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, in Santiago Chile.
On Friday January 13th, at 2pm in the Farellones II room the COSMOS SMF will be held. This session will also include an update on the development of COSMOS international guidelines for non-invasive site characterization.
A brief summary of the COSMOS SMF activities since the 15WCEE meeting is below:
The Joint IAEE/COSMOS International Strong Motion Committee has been established, with Prof. Masayoshi Nakashima agreeing to serve as the IAEE nominee to this committee. The formation of this committee was one of the potential action items mentioned in the executive summary from the previous SMF meeting in Lisbon (, so I am pleased to report that this has now been formally established. The approved terms of reference for this Committee are attached for your information.
The COSMOS Networks Forum and Wiki Pages we discussed at the previous meeting have now been developed (this website). Please feel free to go through the create an account process. We plan to demonstrate this new communication tool at the SMF and will continue to develop it based on user feedback in the year to come.
As part of our upcoming SMF meeting we will select Chairperson, Co-Chair, and Secretary of the IAEE/COSMOS joint committee.
We look forward to seeing many of you next week in Santiago, and wish you all the best in 2017.